Snoring problem

Snoring problem

            Snoring is a sound that occurs when the airway is temporarily closed.
The sound is louder than normal because it vibrates the tissues in the respiratory tract more and more noisy.
Snoring is not a disease, but suffering from snoring problems for a long time, for the other side, it will be disturbing to sleep. Also, if you have other health problems, you should see a doctor.
💢Snoring can also be related to a problem where the airway closes during sleep called OSA (obstructive sleep apnea). Symptoms that may be associated with OSA include:

▶ Stop breathing while sleeping
▶ Sleeping too much during the day
▶Decreased ability to concentrate
▶Headache in the morning
▶ Sore throat
▶ High blood pressure
▶ Lack of good sleep
▶ Chest pain at night
▶ Snoring loud enough to disturb the other person's sleep
▶ Neck congestion only.

If your snoring problem is associated with these symptoms, you should consult a doctor.
💢The things that cause snoring
▶ If your upper palate is thick and soft, it will make the windpipe more crowded, and if you are overweight, the extra tissue in the throat often closes the airway.

▶Alcohol relaxes the neck muscles, so people who drink alcohol before going to bed often cause snoring.
▶ People who have stuffy noses In people who tend to have inflammation of the tissue inside the nose, it also makes breathing difficult.
▶People who don't get enough sleep tend to relax their throat muscles, so they often experience snoring
▶Improper sleeping pattern If you sleep with your neck bent back, you tend to snore.

Men tend to snore more than women.
People who snore must first change their lifestyle.
✅ Lose weight.
✅ Avoid drinking alcohol before sleeping.
✅ Treat nasal congestion.
✅ Sleep well.
✅ Quit smoking.
✅ Sleep in the right position. Sleep with your head higher than your back.
If this doesn't help, there are other ways to treat it.

🔰 Your palate, An appliance can be inserted into the mouth to keep the tongue and jaw in place and prevent the airway from closing. If you wear this device, you must see a dentist every six months. This device can help relieve snoring, but it can cause more saliva than usual. dry mouth You may feel the consequences such as jaw pain.

🔰 CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) method and wearing a mask
In this method, a mask is worn while sleeping, and air is blown through the mask with a pressure. This way of inhaling air keeps your airways open and relieves snoring.

🔰 Surgical treatment
The surgery involves removing extra tissue from the throat that is blocking the airway under anesthesia.
It can also be treated with other methods.
So, I think it would be prudent to know how to relieve snoring.
I pray that they can sleep soundly.

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