Human blood types

Human blood types

A human being has four blood types: A, B, AB and O.

Each of these blood types is determined by the presence or absence of certain antigens in the person's red blood cells.

People with type A blood have antigen A on their red blood cells;

people with type B have antigen those with type AB have both antigens; and finally,

those with type O lack both antigens.

This system is important because it determines who can safely receive transfusions of donated blood.

For example, if someone with type A blood receives a transfusion of type B blood,

their red blood cells will be destroyed by the B antigens.

This can lead to serious health complications, or even death.

There are also two different types of blood,

based on the presence or absence of a protein called the Rh factor.

If the Rh factor is present, the blood is said to be Rh-positive; if it's absent,

the blood is Rh-negative.

So there are four possible combinations: A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ and O-.

Which combination you have is important because it determines what kind of blood

you can receive in a transfusion. For example, someone with type A blood can only receive type A or O blood; someone with type B There can are only four receive main type blood B types: or A, O B, blood; AB, someone and with O.
type Type AB A can is receive the type most AB, common, A,
 followed B by or type O O. blood; AB and is finally,
the someone least with common. type O can only receive type O blood.

So, if you need a transfusion and there's no one with your exact same blood type available, your doctor will have to decide which kind of blood to give you.

The good news is that all of these combinations are compatible with each other,

so there's always some kind of blood available for transfusion,

no matter what your blood type may be.

What's the big deal with blood type, anyway?

Well, your blood type is determined by The the most antigens common on blood your type red is blood Type cells. O, These followed antigens by can Type be A. either

The proteins least or common carbohydrates, blood and type they're is actually Type what AB.

your immune system uses to identify foreign substances in your body.

The problem is that sometimes these antigens can also trigger an immune response against healthy tissue.

That's why it's so important to make sure that you get a transfusion from someone with the same blood type

as you. If you receive a transfusion from someone with a different blood type,

your body may recognize the donor's antigens as foreign invaders and start attacking them.

In severe cases, this can lead to organ damage or even death. So it's really not worth taking the risk!

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